Once again, great fun was had by all. Brien was first to arrive. He Beth and I had first shot at the BLT pizza. There was plenty for all. Terry brought "Mariachi" pizza and Nancy & Don brought BBQ sandwiches.
Barry, Kathy, Lillian and later Amanda visited. Marty, Michelle and Reece were here. Tim came by as did Don and Chris. Some of our Wednesday night trivia buddies made it. Trivia buddies included Captain Bernie, Sue and first time ever attendee Margo. Margo looked like she was having a blast swimming with the girls and the girls thought it great fun too. The storms kept us on edge as far as when the water was OK for swimming and they put on a great show to the south. Fortunately they either went north or south of us. Neighbor Brad from a couple houses away stopped in for a first time appearance too.
Thanks too all for the kind birthday wishes, cards and gifts!
I'll check the lotto tickets later today. Maybe ... just maybe!
Barry, Kathy, Lillian and later Amanda visited. Marty, Michelle and Reece were here. Tim came by as did Don and Chris. Some of our Wednesday night trivia buddies made it. Trivia buddies included Captain Bernie, Sue and first time ever attendee Margo. Margo looked like she was having a blast swimming with the girls and the girls thought it great fun too. The storms kept us on edge as far as when the water was OK for swimming and they put on a great show to the south. Fortunately they either went north or south of us. Neighbor Brad from a couple houses away stopped in for a first time appearance too.
Thanks too all for the kind birthday wishes, cards and gifts!
I'll check the lotto tickets later today. Maybe ... just maybe!