Wednesday, June 26, 2019

To Friday or Saturday Happy Hour? The decision has been made! SATURDAY afternoon Happy Hours 1 - 6

We are now on schedule for Happy Hour
Saturday 1- 6

Ribs on the grill!

Volleyball net in the pool.
Kam Jam
Poolside music
Thursday morning ~ how lucky are we?

I hear there will be poolside yoga with Leslie Thursday 6-27 at 5:30, WOW!
Looks like no pool side festivities over the long
4th of July
celebration days

Cudjoe Key info

Many additional places to stay from Big Pine Key down to Key West

Saturday, June 22, 2019

We had us a good one!

Report from early Saturday morning: Best as we can recall there were 25 people and 2 dogs in attendance.  Here are a few pictures to hold you over until a more detailed report is filed.  Thanks to you all for a wonderful evening!   
A huge thanks to Evan for providing some fine 🎸guitar 🎸 strumming! The staff photographer was remiss in his duties and did not provide photographic proof, my bad. 

Dude?  No pictures of Evan playing the guitar? 

Follow-up report from Saturday afternoon.
Mega Millions numbers for June 21  
We had 20 - 31 - 32 - 53 -63 and 09
They got it wrong again with

The following folks did not strike it rich with Mega Millions from Friday's drawing:
The neighborhood gang:
Peggy, Brenda, Tim, Pam, Ellen, Karen, Andy, Don, Nancy, Rick, Margo
First time ever Happy Hour visitors: 
🏆Kacie 🏆Kate, 
🏆Alex, 🏆Meredith
First time this year-ers: 
🎇Beth 🎇Bart, 🎇 Ken, 🎇 Janet and 🎇 Zoe,  🎇 Janell
And these repeat offenders that defied other classification :  
Guitar  🎸 Evan and Thomas.
Canine repeaters included Abby and Banjo Jack.
Also present, your appreciative hosts
Beth and Kim

PowerBall update coming soon.  Maybe ... just maybe 🎆  

Sunday up-date, maybe not. What we have 05 - 12 - 27 -38 -49 - 16

What they say
Update: No to PowerBall.  Not even close!  
Don't quit your job... unless you really want to.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

"Yes" for Happy Hour June 21st 2019

Re-confirmation of tonight's Happy Hour.  We are on for Happy Hour.  As of this morning the forecast is mostly sunny ☀☀☀, 75 and little chance of rain!  All right all right all right!

Beth is cooking up pork medallions on those special King Hawaiian buns. 

There's a good change of a Rick and Margo sighting tonight, fresh in from South Carolina.

We hope you can join us pool side. has been changing things up every day but Friday still looks to be the gem of the week weather wise.
Good enough to say yes for now but worth checking back as we get closer to Friday.  Stay tuned...🌛☀

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The weather cooperated again!

and so did the crowd.  Everyone was generally well behaved and had a good time.

There were a few first time attenders.  Leslie, who by the way instructed a poolside yoga class Thursday, came to Happy Hour for the first time as did one of her prize yoga followers Denise and her husband Charlie.  It was great to have them here and hope to see them again!
Tom and Jon were here for the first time this year.  Jon had recently returned from Scotland.  He brought some samples of scotch to share.  I am not a scotch drinker but must admit, the samples were interesting and good.  Also in attendance were Don, Chris, Janet, Peggy, Andy, Karen, Joe and Luke.  Brenda and Abby made their first official visit for Happy Hour during regular visiting hours this year too!

Take a look!

As you can see here Banjo Jack was in attendance! Charlie and Jon are relaxing at the table.

Re: Happy Hour June 21.  The long term weather report says the rain may stop by then so HH is a possibility.  Rick and Margo will be in town as well.  That may sway us one way or the other.  Check back for an update.

I have not been reporting about the results of our Can Jam challenges over the past few Happy Hour and pool parties.  FINALLY I have something I'd like to mention.  Peggy won her first ever Can Jam challenge.  Congratulations Peggy.  Out of respect for the vanquished, I will not name the loosing team.

Special note.  Once again, Andy and Karen stayed until about 10:00 and were a great help in after party clean up.  Thanks you two!

We must be doing something wrong here.  Been playing these "lottery opportunities" for at least 10 years and still next to nothing?!?!

Mega Millions

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Happy Hour Friday June 14

Say it ain't so, half of June almost gone?  We better hurry up and have another Happy Hour this Friday.  What do you say?  Come on over anytime after 5:00.  Have a bite to eat and a cold beverage.

75 and mostly sunny sounds good enough to me.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Stayed out a little late Friday June 7!

Quite enjoyable ... so much so that the pool house lights didn't go out until after 11:00 or was it 11:30?

No luck on either PowerBall or Mega!?!

Here are a few pictures to give you a look at the goings on.

Beth and Banjo installed a new flag holder to the front porch.  
Heck of a good job you two!

Evan provided some fine strumming on his guitar!!!

A the crowd was loving it.

Nancy came over for a visit and brought a
friend for Banjo to pal around with.

Quite a sunset Friday night!

In closing, how in the world did Karen manage to NOT get photographed?

Thanks to all.  We had a wonderful time because of you guys!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

WOW! looks like another fair-weather Friday for Happy Hour!

We are ON for poolside Happy Hour Friday June 7, 2019.  Beth is working on hot-dogs, skyline chili for Cincy dogs and some hamburgers 🍔 on the grill. 
Hope you can make it! says for Friday: 
AM Clouds/PM Sun ☀☀☀

Lats week's Happy Hour a huge success with a small crowd.

The great thing about a small crowd is the time you can spend with each friend.  Brenda was here early, on Banjo duty and Peggy was our first official guest.  Neighbors Tim and Pam followed.  Later came Karen to pick up Banjo for downtown Newark festivities.  Andy, Joe and Birthday Boy Luke came by and then Karen and Banjo returned.
I got to shoot some hoops with Andy, Joe and Luke.  The boys expressed admiration that I could run around at least some what, me being "elderly".
Zero luck on PowerBall and Mega.  Once again, no one comes away a millionaire.  Hope you are here when we hit it big! 

Just to review:  Any welcome guest, 21 or older, that makes an appearance during the Happy Hour that the lottery tickets are purchased for, shares in the jackpot.  We purchase a ticket or two usually that Friday for the Friday and Saturday drawings.
We include the "welcome guest" caveat to eliminate the pizza guy, passers by and general riffraff  who might wander through.