Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Lets give Happy Hour a try, Friday August 27 starting at 5:00

 As usual this time of year, the advanced weather report for Friday is inconclusive.  Only about a month of summer left so we are going to optimistically prepare for Poolside Happy Hour.

Beth is going to make some Fiesta Mexican chicken, rice & vegetables!   

Bring a side dish or snack if you like or know we will be happy if you just show up.  

BYOB but ... I think I’ll have Corona and lime on hand to share if you like!

Likely to be in the 90's so we expect to be in the pool some.  Kids are welcome.  You bring them, you watch them.

Check back to for updates if the weather looks sketchy.  I'll update the blog as we get closer to decision time.

We hope to see you poolside Friday, August 27th!

FYI, Depending on weather, we have been known to have Happy Hour into early October.  Keep that in mind if we have a warm October.  They might be on a Saturday or Sunday as the days grow shorter.

Monday, August 9, 2021

HIGH IN THE 90'S ON FRIDAY THE 13TH... 8/13 now forecast for the 80's

Poolside Happy Hour canceled due to the weather forecast.  Dang!

Update to Happy Hour plans 8/13/21.  Not looking great for Happy Hour BUT we will continue to keep an eye on the forecast.  This time of year the weather is so unsettled.  I'll post again later today weather we are on or off for HH.  By the way, wings are marinating as I type.  Hoping to be able to grill them up for our enjoyment.  Beth is also planning on having subs available too.  Here's hoping!

From Monday: So we are thinking, if the storms don't come rolling in, let's have us a poolside Happy Hour.  As always, check the weather as we get close.  I'll post here either yea or nay if it's iffy.  We hope you can make it. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

On track for Happy Hour Friday July 9th

 if the weather holds...  

Check back if it look like rain.  I'll update if we get scared and cancel.

Burgers and hotdogs with cincy chili sauce and cheese will be on the menu.

A good time was had by all!

 Lot of good folks, delicious food, and pool fun.  These pictures prove it.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Saturday pool party ... YEA!

We'll be starting at 1:00 PM and hope you can join us for the afternoon.  I am told BBQ ribs and grilled brats are on the menu.  We might even have some fresh picked blueberries.  Bring a side dish or snack if you like and your beverage of choice.

News flash ... BBQ chicken added to the menu!

We are counting on it to be plenty warm for a swim.  We'll have can jam and cornhole set up and a few other yard games.

As always, kids are welcome.  

You bring them, your responsible for them.

We will be purchasing a few Powerball tickets.  As a reminder, any welcome guest, 21 or older who attends will be in for an equal share of the winnings as long as each share is at least $10.  Less than $10 and we re-invest for the next Happy Hour.

Check the updated weather report or the blog or give us a call if the weather looks iffy. 

Have a safe & Happy 4th of July long weekend!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Unfortunate turn of weather forecast.

No Happy Hour poolside Friday.  Dang!

Strong storms starting at 5:00.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The weather report for Friday June 18 gives us a 40% chance of rain as per channel 10 this morning

High in the upper 80's. We'll look at it as a 60% chance of no rain.  Beth and I will be poolside and hope you can join us for Friday Happy Hour.

If the weather report gets worse, check here back to make sure we are still on for Happy Hour.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

An actual Happy Hour on a Friday? We are absolutely for it!

 We are putting this one on schedule for

Friday, June 4th, 2021!

Our first Friday poolside Happy Hour since Friday, October 13, 2019.

The forecast I consulted says 78 and little chance of rain.  As always, if the weather looks iffy you can check back to be sure

Beth is making Drip Beef hooligan sandwiches.

We hope you can make it.  Its been quite a wait.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Looks like we will pass on Happy Hour this coming, last weekend of May.

 It may be a little cool for poolside fun.  

However; Greg and birthday girl Leslie Obryan  were at Happy Hour & shared this opportunity for fun, food and music.  

Join your friends at The Links for live entertainment Friday

May 28th, 7:00-10:00 pm.

Bim Strawser will be performing acoustically on the patio.

#thelinksatechosprings #homestead #bellableucheese #bellableucheese #homesteadbeer #bimstrawser

Just in case, here's a map ~  Homestead Brewery to The links at Echosprings



A fine start to the 2021 Happy Hour season

 And these pictures help to prove it.  Beth cooked some burgers and dogs as promised.  There were plenty of great side dishes too.

There were about 23 of us in attendance!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Starting out with a SATURDAY Happy Hour May 22 at 1:00 PM

Local forecast for the mid 80's!  

The pool should be warm too.  

Beth says burgers and dogs on the grill.  

Need I say more?

We hope to see you Saturday May 22.

We hope you are all vaccinated.  

If not, since all activities will be outside, be careful and be here.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Looks like no Happy Hour poolside in April but...

 We did get the pool open and running this past Monday 4/26!

Now all we need is a good forecast.

Stay tuned.

Let's do our best to get vaccinated.

We'd love to see your entire face poolside soon!

Monday, March 8, 2021

2021 ~ Todays sunny warm temps got us itching for a long awaited poolside Happy Hour

You may or may not know it but we try to get the pool up and running in April.  I'd like to squeeze in an April Happy Hour if the weather cooperates.  I'll update the blog with pool opening progress and Happy Hour plans. Let's do our best to get vaccinated asap.  

I'm past ready to see you all poolside!

Check back in April my friends.