The early afternoon forecast gave me the wrong impression. 30% chance increasing up to 50% should have said to 100% +. Man it rained & thundered and there was lightning for at least 1/2 the duration of HH.
The kids barley got to swim and it was "Out you go". We'd think it had passed, they'd be ready to get back in and Rumble Rumble CRACK. They were quite patient to no avail.
The good news is there were lots of folks and plenty of good food.
Dawn, Isabel, Nancy and Don were the first to arrive. (Haven't seen Brien in weeks?) Dawn agreed to give Loki a haircut. I was not involved so I have no first hand report but the results were great. He seemed a bit shy to come out but could not stand all the fun going on without him. He made an appearance, got his picture taken and laid low once the thunder started.
Gabby made it as did Amie. Tom Scono said he really enjoyed Beth's pasta dish, high praise indeed. Michelle, Reece and Marlyn were closely followed by Marty. Barry and Kathy Hupp arrived. Barry brought some s l o w cooked ribs that were done to perfection. Thanks Barry!
Somebody brought some good looking brownies that I can not believe I didn't get a taste of.
Nancy's cousin Judy came by. She lives in Nashville Tenn. I think she enjoyed her visit.
Todd and Beth made there first appearance of the 2010 HH season. So good to see them. They brought some chicken nugget delicious seasoned things that I enjoyed quite a bit.
After the electric went out lack of music, fans and lights etc. brought a fairly quick end to this addition of Happy Hour.
I hope a good time was had by all.
I HOPE we have better weather for Wes Raynor's visit next Friday. The Weather channel says, well right now I don't care what it says.
Here are some pictures Beth and I took.
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