Friday, August 28, 2009

Cautiously optimistic are the hosts and the entertainment.

Wes is still planning for set up and playing weather permitting. See you at 5:00 or after.

We might even see special guest Lou Rico!
FYI: Above is the 1:30 PM radar outlook.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


That's the plan.

He set up a canopy Thursday evening to allow for protected playing if the weather gets a little damp. He'll keep me informed, and I'll keep you informed [here] if the forecast look too bleak for him to play.

We can add another canopy for us if needed.

Beth is making up this great shrimp dish for the evening. I got to sample it : ). Don't get here too late!

The pool was a comfortable 81+ tonight and we put the solar cover on it. I think it will be warm enough for the kids and adults to swim.

We hope to see you here!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bob Nunnally give provisional approval for Happy Hour Friday August 21

Bob reports Friday morning showers should not continue to become Friday afternoon showers. The outlook for Happy Hour is promising.

Friday August 14, 2009 pictures posted at last!

Take a tour of 1350 Hillview Circle East

We hope the attendees enjoyed themselves as much as we did.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Preliminary reports are in!

A rousing success proclaimed universally.
All beer lovers in attendance were WOWed by Joel's presentation. At least 20 unusual brews to the casual domestic beer drinker were sampled. Those interested in the subject of beer history, style and brewing process were given what they wanted and then some.
Many were there just for pleasant company. I believe they were well satisfied too.
There was plenty of good food brought by guests and also provided.
Approximately thirty guests attended. The weather was finally warm enough for us to have some happy hour swimmers.
Let's hope the weather stays on this course for many weeks to come.
Remember to mark your calenders for August 28th's return of live music to Happy Hour compliments of Wes Raynor. Wes also contributed behind the scenes to last Fridays festivities. Thanks again Wes!
The pictures posted here were provided by Roger Webb and his new camera with a big A$$ lens. Roger also set up this Blog for us. Thanks Roger!
If more pictures come in, I'll post them.
Here's to good weather for HH on August 14!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Looks like some fun coming up this Friday!

Joel Spahr of The Beverage Source will be attending and presenting "Summer Brews" for our Happy Hour enjoyment. I expect he will be coming by around 6:00 and be ready to provide education and libation 6:30 ish.
I'm really looking forward to it.

Nature Stone visited Monday and finished with the re-sealing phase for the pool deck and house. Today, Tuesday they are doing some prep work for Wednesday or Thursday's crack and chip repair.

Friday's HH is not dependent upon having the work complete. We will be having HH as long as the weather is acceptable.

And here's a little advance notice about the August 28th HH. Back by popular demand .... Wes
Raynor on guitar and vocals. Thanks again Wes!