Saturday, October 3, 2015

Thanks for making our Happy Hours so much fun!

We are closing up for the season and hope to be open, dare we say in April!?! or May!

We'll let you know when so check back in the spring.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hey hey what do you say?

Not a bad forecast for this time of the year.  We just can't turn down this kind of Happy Hour weather.  We are on for Happy Hour Friday September 25 as long as the weather doesn't change for the worse.  Check back here for updates if it gets iffy.

Here are a few pictures from our low country boil and Buckeye Game party this past Saturday.  Go Bucks!  A win is a win!

Good friends Mark and Linda AND Rick and Margo were in town and helped make this Low Country Boil extra special.

Linda says welcome

Ok.  Here are a couple paddling pics from earlier September.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Getting thin on Happy Hour opportunities poolside!

We will not be poolside 9/11 nor have Happy Hour 9/18.  Next chance, weather permitting will be September 25?  WOW!  We'll hope for great weather and a chance to gather 9/25 before that big dark tarp covers the pretty blue water.

Check back as the date draws near.

We had a wet fun Happy Hour Friday September 4, 2015

I'll check with Beth to see if we are all millionaires via our lottery numbers and let you know.  I'll also post some pictures soon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Looks like it's City Barbecue for happy Hour!

We'll provide some chicken and ribs.
Ya'll bring some sides.  
What do you say?  Are you in?
The weather report is messing with us a bit.  We're up to a 40% chance of scattered thunderstorms and a high of 88.  Keep an eye on the sky and check back here Friday to be sure.

Monday, August 31, 2015

A good friend has moved to the next world

Our good friend Alan Montgomery
passed Thursday night September 3rd.
 Click here for some pictures of Alan in happy times together.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Next poolside Happy Hour September 4, 2015

Start the long weekend with us, poolside at 5:00 PM on 9/4/15.  We have a great forecast for September 4 ... as of now 88!  Check back as we get closer for a weather / Happy Hour update.

Here are a few pics form last August just because.

 Click on a picture to enlarge and view all.

Carson has become a regular here poolside
and a water loving boy!

Wish our good friend Alan Montgomery well.
His health is of major concern

Saturday, August 22, 2015

It was a delightfull evening!

As cool as it got, it was quite nice early.  We had some swimmers being Josh and Zoë Hale, Isabel & Beth and Kim. 
It was good to see Tim feeling fine and well on the mend from his heart surgery!
We had a few newcomers with Dave and Denise and then Eric and Michelle stopped by.  We thought it was very cool they came by.

I'll check the lottery tickets Sunday and report on how much your split is going to be.

Here are a few pictures proving you were here and had a good time.

We're going to Soul Kitch'n!

Not sure what Ellen is up to?

We have to get home to prepare for our Saturday night Carriage House concert!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Still looking good for Happy Hour Friday August 21.

Weather Channel says 76, sunny with a light breeze Friday at 5:00!

I'm going to post a few pictures from last week and a few pics from some recent adventures.

Lottery update is more of the same.  Beth checked the tickets and don't quit your jobs.  Zilch.  Maybe this week?  You better be here, I'm warning ya!

We will have chicken sandwiches for HH this week, so we got that going for us.   Hope to see you Friday poolside!


Neighbor Newbie
Lock 15?

Newbie Sonny and Banjo
Wonder where/when this is?
Can you see me?
Janet, Ken & Brien