Saturday, May 29, 2010

Delightful weekend part 1 with additional pictures below.

Amie was the first to arrive followed by Michelle and 2 fish, Grove's, Sconos and more. Rick and Margo arrived with some goodies. Margo surprised me with a short story book based on Key West from the early 1800 to 1990 I think. Marty put together some kind of lightly spiced pork and peppers soft shell taco stuffing that was quite good too. Barry road his bike with Kathy still being at work. Maybe we'll see her later this weekend. Jo (formally known as Ginger) and Jim were first time this year attendees as were the before mentioned Tom and Fran Scono. Jim gave me some tips and a huge bucket of scree? to help me level some patio bricks and keep them leveled. Alan and Bonnie were here along with new comers Amy and Kendra. Amy and Kendra were house sitting near by. They headed out around 11 or maybe 11:30. Oh yes ... Amy and Kendra brought some great jalapeno poppers.
The two fish said the water was warm. I'll post a couple pictures of them feeding pool side.

Delightful start to the holiday weekend

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's looking good for May 28

The Weather channel says warm with little chance of rain. We'll be poolside and hope you will be too!

Other Happy Hour news on the side bar to the right.

I really have to get a guest log.

I was reminded that Tim, Theresa and Vienna the wonder dog were also in attendance for the first time on May 14. Mea culpa. Errar es humano, perdonar es divino.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Expecting rain off and on all day 5-21 so we shall ...

Postpone Happy Hour until Friday May 28.

The start of the Memorial Day weekend. Don't forget to thank a vet and remember those who served and paid the ultimate price.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Weather Channel gives gloomy outlook for May 21

Chance of rain is around 40% at 3:00 Friday increasing as the afternoon goes along. As of now it's hard to say which way it will go. Leaning toward no HH Friday poolside.

Check back Friday for an update.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

We had a fine turnout & time May 14

With out trying too hard I can think of 17 attendees. It might be nice to have a log book to keep track especially with the Big Money Bonanza looming out there in our futures.
I'm told Harry suggested we were buying two tickets and keeping the winner for ourselves. I guess I was right about maybe I should post the numbers prior to the drawing. Besides, it will be much easier just checking one ticket from now on.
There were some special "hadn't seem them in a while" guests. Mike and Michelle Smith came by. It was so very good to get a chance to talk to them at HH. They had a SWEET time in Key West this past winter. I wish we could have gone with them.
Alisha and Greg came in from Chicago. They were running in Saturday's Run for the Cure. Greg brought some home brew IPA that was great! He's going to try a batch of some other brew next trip. Thanks Greg. They both look like they have been hitting the gym pretty hard. Good job guys.
Amanda and Lilly made a first appearance of the year too. They seemed marvelous. Lilly's new haircut made her look 6 years old.
Chris Wilde made an appearance. I think it was his first ever HH here. He's had been doing so much work around our place it seems like he lives here.
And last but not least, Mr. Ballinger sashayed in. His first HH of the year too.
A host of other good friends rounded out a fine group making for a top notch Happy Hour.
I was reminded that Tim, Theresa and Vienna the wonder dog were also in attendance for the first time on May 14. Mea culpa. Errar es humano, perdonar es divino. I really have to get a guest log.
The camera is at home along with the Powerball ticket. I'll try to post the good news (BMB) and pictures Tuesday. I think I got some good ones.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Things are looking good for Friday May 14

The Weather Channel says starting to clear Friday around 3:00 and sunny and 74 by 6:00. So from here, Thursday around 7:00, I'd say we are a good to go for HH. I'll check the forecast midday Friday and post an update if things change.

As for the Big Money Bonanza from last week ... we got 1 number and no payout. I think we'll try again this week. Maybe I could start posting the numbers before the drawing?

We had a good crew and you can see some of their smiling faces in the last post. Grandparents were everywhere for Isabel's party. Reese and a girlfriend came down and swam with Isabel who seemed extremely happy to get in the water for the first time this year.

Amie didn't make an appearance. Might had had something to do with the wedding being next month. I'm not sure if she knew Cincinnati chili dogs were on the menu though. They were good Amie.

Smashing success by Jove. More to come Friday.

Isabel's birthday was fun for all.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7: Isabel and friends at 5:00ish Friday, followed by regular HH

Friends of Isabel and friends of Happy Hour are welcome at 5:00 or maybe before. The birthday girl might arrive as early as 4:00 I'm told. I think the big event, cake and presents won't be till 5ish at least.

There are Cincy chili dogs, hot dogs and mac & cheese.

The weather report holds good but breezy till 8 or 9. Then batten down the hatches!

Water temp is about 72 and felt much warmer than last Friday or even last Wed. I'm putting the solar cover it on tonight. Who knows if it will make a difference with several nights in the mid 30's coming up. YIKES!

I did manage to purchase another power ball ticket for the Saturday drawing. I hope your here to cash in with the rest of us! Birthday party kids excluded from winning, parents eligible if here.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Hour report for April 30

It was a delightful evening. Brien, Amie, Rachael, Gabby, Kathy, Dawn, Isabel, Nancy and Don were in attendance along with the Thomson's.

Beth made lasagna, salad and we had Italian bread ummmm!

Heads up! Birthday alert. Isabel turns 4 this coming Friday. She is planning on bringing her mother and a few close friends to Happy Hour to celebrate. I believe cake will be served. Did someone say Chris Snyder has a birthday coming up too?

We didn't hit the lottery this week. I'm not sure what the problem is but I will ask the nice people at The Market Basket if they could try a bit harder. I will try to remember to invest another $1 or $2 for this coming HH. Seems less risky than the stock market anyway.

Games were played at this Happy Hour. Brien and Beth really seemed to enjoy giving Rachael and me boccie lessons, euchre lessons and Bimini Ring (ring on a string, hang on a hook) lessons. I took notes and hope to improve this week if given the chance.

It was close but I did manage an April swim again this year. Full submersion + down and back the length of the pool. It was cold.

I'll try to post a couple pictures of our last Friday group soon.

I'm guessing Isabel birthday plans will forge ahead come dry spell or high water but check back for yes or no to May 7 Happy Hour.