Thursday, June 10, 2010

Let's do it!

Sound like the weather is going to be 30% chance of isolated thunder storms Friday! Sound familiar? We dodged a bullet at Happy Hour last Friday it appears. We'll be coming up with some new "bad weather guidelines" to guard against weather related danger.

OK now for the fun part. Wes is going to set up early. We're going to provide a few Anheuser-Busch products for your sensible enjoyment. Beth is also cooking up some great dish for our culinary enjoyment.

I'll pick up a PowerBall chance so that we all can share in many millions of bucks.

The water should be plenty warm. Feel free to bring the kids but remember, you have to watch them.

So let's see:
Food ~ check
Beverage ~ check
Entertainment ~ check
Potential riches ~ check
Now all we need is you.

We hope to see you June 11!

1 comment:

  1. Assuming no happy hour. Forecast says rain
